

Question by  Anonymous

How do you manage projects?


Answer by  mem4dr (1378)

There are many great software programs today that offer project management help. For example, Microsoft Excel is an excellent way to track progress on various projects.


Answer by  icanoutfishyou (1148)

Projects are managed by delegating responsibilities to capable workers. Determine what needs to be done and assign tasks to each worker which suits their work ethic and skill.


Answer by  42 (12)

First, identify the final goal. Second, identify intermediate goals that will be needed to reach final goal. For each of these intermediate goals, identify what resources will be needed to complete it. Determine which intermediate goals are prerequisite to other intermediate goals. Order the goals based on this.


Answer by  ksglibra (8)

When I begin a project, I review its content. Then I would separate the most difficult task from the easiest. I would then begin to work the difficult task(s) first, to ensure accuracy. From there, I would continue until the task(s)are complete. I use this method because the difficult tasks always require more time,then I would breeze through the easiest.


Answer by  Baobao (1273)

You must make everyone know the project timeline clearly and communicate with your partners regularly.Presentation is needed to keep the project on the right track.


Answer by  Jessie124 (1885)

I have an outline of all necessary steps already prepared. I'm allow myself the flexibility to straw off topic on occassion, but not for long.


Answer by  frank (279)

As a professional program manager for a large multinational corporation we are taught to use GANT charts where ever possible on long tern projects..

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