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Question by  dd9592 (2)

How do you know when it is time to resign from your place of employment?

I worked for company 51/2 years. Hurt back. With the stress of hurting back. I have other medical conditions.Those conditions were enhanced due bp178/100 and diabetic issues. They put me on light duties, but with the other issues. They gave me 20 hours only. I stay over 30 miles away. Would you give letter of resignation. Due to circumstance


Answer by  Marsha (2337)

Yes, it is time to resign and find a job closer to where you live. Check with your doctor first and see what limitations you may have physically.


Answer by  Cathy65 (652)

The amount of hours and the amount of driving time to get there is not worth it. You are using your paycheck to pay for gas and car maintenance.

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