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Question by  shawmino (13)

How do you know if your idle emissions are too high?


Answer by  Amber40 (24961)

The only what to know is to take it somewhere that has an exhaust analyzer used to measure emissions. They can give you exact readings.


Answer by  catchxxx (8)

The best way to determine if your current vehicle's idle emissions are too high would be to take your vehicle to a qualified emissions check station or a qualified mechanic


Answer by  Jsands1982 (871)

First off idle emission can only be read by a OBD 2 reader. I don't know the make of your vehicle. each model has it's own setting. So buying a timing gun will not help. Best solution is to take it to the dealer or buy a OBD 2 Reader to adjust the emission idler.


Answer by  japratt (1687)

You should be able to tell if this is too high when your car starts to idle. If it does start to do this you will need to have it serviced.

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