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Question by  emilys (78)

How do you install amplifiers in a car?


Answer by  tkarlav (1502)

run a fused power wire to the battery to amp. then ground the amp and run turn on wire to amp from sterio to amp along with the rca cables.


Answer by  Amber40 (24961)

The basic process involves running an audio signal to the amplifier, running an output from the amplifier to the speakers, and finally running power to the amplifier. The process can be very complicated though so you should purchase a book or research the process online.


Answer by  brians6000 (640)

Most Amplifiers require a ground and then a 12v power line, usually almost direct to the battery. Then there will be a lower voltage remote lead from the radio, which swtiches the power on and off. There will be inputs, either RCA Preamp in or Speaker level in and there will be speaker lines out to the speakers.

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