

Question by  worker79 (21)

How do you go about sprouting grains?

I'd like to make my own bean sprouts.


Answer by  judithr105 (269)

I wet a paper towel with warm water, place it at the bottom of a covered glass jar, sprinkle seeds on the towel, cover, and place in a dark area.


Answer by  Prajeesh (369)

An ancient grain which is the smallest seed of all is also one that you do not even soak. They appear water repellant but just rinse and drain for a few days and these microscopic seeds sprout tiny sprouts. Very easy and quick to grow. A great breakfast cereal - add some dried fruit and dig in!


Answer by  RM49 (274)

Sprouting beans is really quite simple. All you really have to do is soak the beans in water or a wet paper towel and put them in a dark place for a couple of days. You can buy more complicated tools for doing this, but you don't really need them unless you're making a lot of sprouts.


Answer by  souldolphindream (835)

I have found that works best for us is to buy the little hothouse starter kits that you can get for really cheap at walmart. I recommend that you soak your beans for 24 hours and use good rich soil.


Answer by  Amber40 (24961)

Look online for detailed guides but really all you have to do is soak the grain then allow to set covered in a cool dark place. Eventually sprouts will emerge.

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