health treatments


Question by  missy11170 (39)

How do you get rid of a boil?


Answer by  raun08 (1839)

The best way is to buy a tube of drawing salve. Found in a pharmacy, a little of the acrid smelling ointment applied on a bandaide at night will draw out the infection. You'll have an open wound after wards, so keeping it clean and dry is important.


Answer by  jalucia (936)

Regular hot compresses are usually recommended. If it's really uncomfortable, getting really big or lasts more than 2 weeks have a doctor open up the boil and drain it (easy).


Answer by  kungfukid (1241)

A boil is a bacterial infection that starts down in the hair follicle then gets infected and then boils to the surface. One of the best treatments is neosporin anti-bacterial ointment. You can also use tea tree oil for anti-bacterial. Slippery Elm Bark can be used topically as a poultice to relieve inflammation.


Answer by  Gretchin (352)

Do not pop the boil. You should use warm moits compresses to bring the boil out. Use the warm compresses 3 to 4 times a day for 20 minutes each time. Keep area clean with antibacterial soap. Antibacterial ointment will keep area clean. Once boil pops continue to keep area clean till healed.

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