how to


Question by  finette (157)

How do you cook turtle?

I am going to try cooking turtle and I want to do the best I can.


Answer by  Rosark (82)

1. Boil it til it's tender, grind it up, make patties and pan fry. 2. Boil til it's tender, remove the bones, add vegetables and make soup.


Answer by  Alex1493 (6)

You need to season the turtle dish with salt,pepper,paprika, slat and roll in flour.You should fry it in skillet or bake it like you would do to a pork tenderloin.


Answer by  juanita57 (1374)

I guess you would fry it like chicken. Wash it good, flour it, and fry it away. This does not sound good to me. You could also baked it probably with a little bar be q sauce on it.


Answer by  y3636363 (1380)

I don't think you should cook turtle. I heard that there are chemicals in the turtle that are not good and can cause some kind of illnesses. Thus avoid it at all costs.


Answer by  renee (354)

I found a great recipe on the internet and tried it. You can cook it the same way as chicken,season it with salt, pepper,paprika and roll it in flour,it can be fried in a skillet or baked.


Answer by  Cookinginbc (383)

Cut up in small pieces and cleaning. Dredge with flour and salt and fry until golden. Put in covered pot and bake about 2 hours at 350 until tender.

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