

Question by  Hannah63 (43)

How do you convert kilojoules to calories?


Answer by  apsaras (408)

In the context of measuring the amount of energy in food , one calorie is roughly equivalent to 4.187 kilojoules. So to convert kilojoules to calories, divide the number of calories by 4.187 to get the number of kilojoules.


Answer by  esteban (1334)

One kilojoule is equal to 239.006 calories. So, to convert kilojoules to calories, you just need to multiply. For example, 150 kilojoules is equal to 150 X 239.006 calories, or 35850.9 calories.


Answer by  esteban (1334)

One kilojoule is equivalent to about 239.006 calories. So, in order to convert kilojoules to calories, we need to multiply the number of kilojoules by 239.006. For example, 8 kilojoules would be equal to 8 X 239.006, or 1912.048 calories. Also, to convert from calories to kilojoules, we would divide: 2000 calories divided by 239.006 is 8.368 kilojoules.

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