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Question by  jpw (33)

How do you convert calories to kilojoules?


Answer by  ijlalnoor (2656)

if you have got a smart phone then check for the convertor application in it. If you don't have a smart phone then you can get many converters online. Just search for calories to kil joules and you good to go.


Answer by  waskasoo (471)

Calories can refer to two different units. Food calories are often referred to as kilocalories in a laboratory. The actual conversion rate is calories multiplied by 4.184 = kilojoules.


Answer by  amswplusone (652)

One calorie is equal to 0.004184 kilojoules. So multiply the number of calories you have by 0.004184 and the resulting (smaller) number will be the number of kilojoules you have.

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