

Question by  worker6562 (20)

How do you calculate life expectancy?


Answer by  steve12 (342)

This is a very difficult question, and depends what you understand by life expectancy. If you mean for the general population, than it's statistical measure, but if you mean about an individual's life expectancy, than many factors must be taken in account, such as the habits, diseases, vaccines, genetics, etc.


Answer by  Heather726 (257)

Life expectancy is based on many things. Look at your family history - if your family members have lived for a long time, you'll be more likely to live for a long time. Also, your lifestyle has to be taken into account. Smoking, unprotected sex, working as a coal miner - can all account for a shortened life expectancy.


Answer by  NGoodson (3395)

There are life expectancy calculators that you can use on the internet. They take into account things like your lifestyle habits (such as whether or not you smoke or drink) as well as hereditary factors (such as if your parents have diabetes, heart disease or other hereditary diseases that you may be prone to.)


Answer by  Jolie (1227)

There are many factors, some are able to be calculated and some arnet. For example health is a major aspect. The major factors are weight, if you smoke or exersise and if you eat junk food or not. Also family history plays a major part in the calculation of it.

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