

Question by  jazz13 (15)

How do you become an engineer?

Do you have to go to college?


Answer by  patti (29325)

There are different kinds of engineers: design, electrical, chemical, civil, aeronautical, etc. All require extensive education, including graduate work. Many universities have a College (or School) of Engineering within.


Answer by  DtheM1 (1150)

Becoming an engineer requires a minimum of 4 years in college to get a Bachelor of Science degree in the selected engineering field. From there, you can get a Master's degree, usually involving around 1-2 years of school and a thesis. If you want, you can pursue a PhD.


Answer by  tamarawilhite (17883)

You must have at least an associates degree in engineering to work as an engineering technician. To be a full engineer requires a bachelor's degree.


Answer by  Zoe (2369)

Unless you want to become a sanitation engineer, which is the new politically correct way of saying "janitor" or "custodian," then yes you do need to go to college to become an engineer.

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