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Question by  randyrobinson2001 (86)

How do viruses spread on your computer?


Answer by  technogeek (6640)

Depending on the type of virus, they are usually contracted through software that has the virus written into it or through e-mail that has the virus written into it. Once you open an attachment in the e-mail, then the virus is released and every time the e-mail is sent to someone else, when they open the attachment, it spreads.


Answer by  Talerith (83)

Viruses can spread through out your computer just by restarting your machine. A restart usually triggers the virus to infect a new file or system file every time you turn it on.


Answer by  PowerIsMe (844)

They usually spread ACROSS computers. But there are some viruses which can replicate within your computer. Usually the virus runs a program and makes multiple copies of itself.


Answer by  Amber40 (24961)

In simple terms a virus is a basically a self-propagating program. It gets in and attacks critical system files then proceeds to infect other computers connected to it.

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