human body


Question by  ecimir (89)

How do the circulatory and respiratory systems interact?


Answer by  patti (29325)

Blood circulates through your body to deliver oxygen (and nutrients) to every, single cell in the body. The blood is circulated through the heart, which is the pump that pushes it on to the lungs, where it picks up valuable oxygen that we have breathed in, and transports it throughout the body. It's an amazing system.


Answer by  feodin (201)

The circulatory system is responsible for blood flow throughout the body. It delivers oxygen within the blood to the body. Carbon dioxide is then delivered back to the lungs. Within the lungs the carbon dioxide in the blood is exchanged for oxygen that is breathed in. This gas exchange is referred to as the respiratory system.


Answer by  Cecilia (2828)

This subject takes up an entire chapter in the Anatomy book I used in College. Basically the two systems meet in the lungs. The lungs have tiny flexible balloons that let oxygen through into the bloodstream and carbon dioxide out of the bloodstream into the lungs where it's exhaled.

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