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Question by  Shawn17 (14)

How do I reset a Samsung monitor?


Answer by  EdwardM (18)

This depends on the model of your monitor. What you should do is go to Google, search Samsung Support, click the first result and enter your model number where it tells you to. You should then be able to download a manual. Then find the appropriate section of the manual and follow the instructions to reset your monitor.


Answer by  vinodvShetty (123)

Just keep on pressing F9 then go to setting and reset the samsung monitor You can also reset the moniter by using the setting buttom in the desk top. It good that you use the manul before reseting the moniter Contact the nearest computer dealer to reset the computer so save allyour file


Answer by  jws (19)

If you look towards the bottom of the monitor, you'll see a number of buttons. One of these is a preferences button. Click resent under the settings menu.


Answer by  Tim55 (618)

Unplug the monitor for 60 seconds then plug it back in. This should reset anything that is going on inside the monitor and default to all factory default settings.


Answer by  UmeshG (404)

You must check to your monitor menu you will find different setting in the menu go through all the setting you will find Reset, click on that and monitor will change your current setting and it will reset.


Answer by  ResetMyLife (11)

It depends on the model or make of the monitor, It being samsung generally is not enough information on how to tell you to reset it.

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