

Question by  Anonymous

How do i remove kerosene stains from concrete floors?


Answer by  sathu (157)

I can easily remove kerosene stains from concrete floors by wiping that with help of any floor cleaner which has the capacity to remove stain.I can clean that when i pour slight hot water over the stain,then use any cotten cloth to wipe it.


Answer by  kiranrajan (12)

For removing kerosene stains from concrete floor, you will have to apply wood saw powder mixed with lime powder first. Leave it for 2-3 hours, then wipe off with clean cloth. Again put diluted sulphuric acid, wipe off after 10 minutes. No more stain !


Answer by  bobfernandaz (62)

Kerosene stains are very very difficult to remove, and it is best to remove them very carefully. I suggest using gasoline and baking soda, or, failing that, tons and tons of bleach.


Answer by  lakshmi (196)

acids and floor cleaning liquids can be used.some mild soaps also can be used.apply the liquid or soap for a small time on the stain,leave for a while, then ru b them with a wet cloth, so that the stain goes away .


Answer by  Anonymous

pour on more kerosene and add 1 lite match, works every time

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