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Question by  discomcdoogal (28)

How do I mix walkway cement?


Answer by  sad1 (11)

step.1. spread dry material on flat surface. Step.2.cover with cement powder. step.3.use a shovel to turn over the dry material mixing them together. step 4 add water gently and mix material watery to ensure proper spreading of the cement on the walkway.


Answer by  JohnHolmes (2660)

Mix the cement using a large bucket or tote using the mix ratio of your cement. Usually it in one to one and a half parts water for every one part concrete.


Answer by  stinkymess (310)

Mortor mix, sand and water are the ingredients needed. You need to first add the sand and mortor mix. Pour in the water sparingly. Begin to stir the mix, and add water as needed. You want the consistency of the mix to be that of cake batter.


Answer by  Wil (54)

For every sack of pure cement you add double amount of sand and triple amount of gravel. All ingredients are mixed together by using a shovel or a concrete mixer. You should add water sparingly until the desired consistency is attained.


Answer by  JohnHolmes (2660)

You will need to get a large tub or other large container. You will mix it according to the package with water. Use a large shovel to mix in and than pour into your mold.


Answer by  blueviceroy (15)

Buy premixed in the 40 lb bags at the hardware store and add water in a wheelbarrow , a stone rake works well to quickly move the material and get the water into the mix.

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