We can join the rows in the excel by right clicking the mouse then select format cell and then select alingment and from the alingment select wrap the text and then click ok dialogue box. After doinig this steps the rows get merged up in the excel sheeet.
This depends highly how you are merging your rows. If you have more specific needs you can purchase an Excell add-on call Merge Cells Wizars. Otherwise, you can used the CONCATENATE() function to merge specific cells from these columns to make a new cell with your newly merged data.
Highlight or select a range of cells then right click on the highlighted cells and select Format Cells. Click alignment tab and place a check-mark in check-box labeled Merge cells.
Using the left mouse button, click and hold on the first row to be merged. Drag the mouse to select the rows you want and release the button. Right click and select the "Format cells" menu and the "Alignment" tab; check the box in front of "Merge Cells".
Right click on the cells you wish to merge, and then in the drop down box there should be a selection saying format cells, go to that, and then select merge cells.
We can join the rows in the excel by right clicking the mouse then select format cell and then select alignment and from the alignment select wrap the text and then click ok dialogue box.After doing this steps the rows get merged in the excel sheet this process you can do merge rows in excel.
You need to highlight the rows you would like to merge. Then look up at your toolbar and click on the icon with an A. This joins the rose hightlighted.
The followings are the steps to merge the row.
Select the row you want to merge in table- right click mouse-click format cells-click alignment tap-click merge cells option-press ok.