

Question by  mikey (29)

How can I set tab to not print in Excel?


Answer by  jakester54 (54)

Press the control (CTRL) button and then select each of the tabs you wish to print. Press the Print button and then in the print dialog window select the option from the Print What section that says Active Sheet(s). Press OK to print the document. This will print all the selected sheets.


Answer by  Michael97 (14)

Press the (ctrl) button and select the tap. Press print button and then in the print dislog window select the option that says active sheet(s) and print what you want.


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

Basically what you want to do is select the tabs that you would like to print. De select the ones you would like not to print and then press the control button to print.


Answer by  Anonymous

Right click on the tab and select Hide. Hidden tabs will not print. Right click on any tab and select Unhide... to show the tab again.


Answer by  Eddy69 (73)

I dont know, but This is interesting question. I want to know that too. We should try google to find something about it.


Answer by  Anonymous

You can hide the tab and then it won't print.


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

Well if you do not want to print the tab in excel, go to the margins button and then outline the area in which you would like to work through. Basically your print preview section should have the same margins as what you would like to print out of there.

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