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Question by  peter2 (16)

How do I install a meter base?

The electric company expects me to have one installed.


Answer by  Sparky101 (366)

When it comes to meter sockets/bases, this is a matter better left to a qualified electrician. The risk of serious injury or death if the line coming from the utility is energized is too great for the Do It Yourselfer.


Answer by  radualex90 (236)

Installing a meter base is a complicated thing , that only a qualified electrician cand perform. The meter base has to be placed near to your house within 4 feet of it , and in an easy to access place.


Answer by  sanpriyas (13)

The center line of the meter needs to be near 60 inches from grade. Depending on whether you are using a flush mount or surface mount the conduit application differs.


Answer by  mani (813)

You have to install a meter base out side within 4 feet nearer to your home closest, and in easily accessible location. It should be located on a structure owned by you and shoul be 5to6 feet above the ground level.


Answer by  Bnr (20)

In india ,electricity is maintained by Government. So here we call experienced electrician and To connect to the metre. Just one hour fixed it.

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