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Question by  ultramar (23)

How do I go about storing daffodil bulbs?

I want to keep them safe for next year.


Answer by  Lauryn49 (70)

You can leave them in the ground or you can dig them up, let them dry, put them in a mesh bag and hang in a dry cool area.


Answer by  aphrodite891 (31)

Allow Daffodil bulbs to dry a few hours. Brush off any dirt and discard damaged or rotten bulbs. Place in a mesh bag and hang in a cool dry place.


Answer by  Brandon55 (1719)

Leave them in the ground after letting completely die then cutting them off the soil, or remove them from the soil and hang in a dark room with air flow.


Answer by  hibpmgirl (2166)

Daffodil bulbs should do well in a room temperate dry area just in a ziplock bag. If they are already planted you should be able to keep them planted and they will hibernate and blossom next year. If not a plastic bag and a dry area works great.


Answer by  Che (425)

You can leave the daffodil bulbs in the ground year round but don't cut the dead leaves and flowers off until they are completely dead and dried up.


Answer by  Carol37 (569)

Daffodils are fun. You can dig them out and store them in a dark cool place or just leave them in ground. If you choose the latter, cover them with 4-6 inches of leaves. Be sure to observe the sprout in the spring,remove leaves and ferilizer.

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