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Question by  hbmarsh (99)

How do I dress for a semi-formal reception?


Answer by  vietnamgirls (1177)

Ladies should dress in a cocktail dress, usually knee or calf length. A long evening gown or pant suit would not be appropriate. Men should wear a dark business suit, white or light shirt and tie that is not too bold. Women should wear heels and men dark shoes the same color as their suit.


Answer by  emp (263)

You can't go wrong with a black dress, bright colored cardigan, fun shoes and clunky jewelry to match! Don't forgot the Spanxx!


Answer by  Mable (3008)

Gentlemen need to wear a suit or neatly coordinated slacks and jackets with an ironed dress shirt a tie, and coordinated shoes and socks. Ladies should wear nice dresses or elegant pant suits with coordinated hosiery and footwear. A shawl or nicely coordinated wrap is acceptable if it is cold or highly airconditioned. ("Semi-formal" means tuxes and gowns are optional. )


Answer by  near2land (493)

Dressing for a semi-formal reception requires planning and the coordination of your attire and accessories. Semi-formal generally means avoiding long gowns and tuxedos but suggests dressing a step-above church attire. Dark-colored dress suits with ties work for men while women selecting a simple black dress, moderate heels and pearls will likely be acceptable for the reception.

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