how to


Question by  pbob (19)

How do I change my name on my US Savings bonds?


Answer by  Fishtales (373)

Go to any bank that sells US Savings bond. Bring proof of name change as well as your Social Security card


Answer by  localgirl808 (405)

If your name has changed because you got married, you don't have to change the name on your bonds. If your name has changed for any other reason, you have to have to fill out a Form PD F 4000, which is available for download at the Treasury website.


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

Well to change your name on a US savings bond, you have to legally change your name all across the US. You have to submit an application for a legal name change. This will also cost you. Yes you will be able to replace your name with another existing person's but to change yours, you will need a legal change.


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

You can't when you got o cash them in you have to have either a marriage license or some for of picture ID with the bond name on it.


Answer by  julsbeau (87)

There are forms available for access online from the US Treasury Department for name changes on US Savings bonds. It depends on the type of bond you have whether or not this will actually be possible for you to do.


Answer by  BrendaG (6111)

Other than marriage, you must fill out and sign a Form PD F 4000. This shows the correct registration and then you mail it to a Treasury Retail Securities site.


Answer by  LeheckaG (1826)

Contact Bureau of the Public Debt, U.S. Department of the Treaasury (TreasuryDirect.Gov) to update your (Form PD F 4000) registration, or re-issue your Savings-Bonds. Name-changes due to either: marriage or a small spelling or typographical error, usually do NOT require re-issuance; Simply sign BOTH names when you redeem your Savings-Bond(s).


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

Well, you have to go through a legal name change. You can submit an application for the legal name change accordingly. It will cost money though, and you will have to contact customer service.


Answer by  mtown934 (733)

You will need to go to court and to get it legally done. If you were to change it yourself it would void the bond.

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