how does it work


Question by  StevenGrant (25)

How do ceramic tea strainers work?


Answer by  skapheles (15)

Tea strainer are used to catch tea leaves when suspending it in water. Loose tea leaves are placed into the strainer. The strainer is placed in your cup and hot water is poured over the tea leaves. Let the tea seep for 3-4 min. To drink remove strainer.


Answer by  Tatiana (21)

Tea strainer are used to catch tea leaves when suspending it in water. This also works on coarsely ground coffee. First start by placing the loose tea leaves into the tiny half cup looking thing. Place that in the cup and pour hot water over top of this. Then let the tea seep for 3-4 min. To drink remove strainer.


Answer by  beachbum33 (76)

You put tea leaves in and let them steep in hot water. They don't leave a metallic taste and can be found to match your cups and saucers.


Answer by  amtcura66 (1340)

Yes, ceramic tea strainers work. If they don't then you should consider offering it a higher salary or being nicer to it. If it don't work then no worries! There are many tea strainers out there and you can just fire the one you have now and hire a new one!


Answer by  Sandrion (203)

You take the tea leaves and you put them in the strainer then you hang the strainer in the hot water and allow the tea leaves to steep via ceramic strainer.


Answer by  dhuoda (1431)

The same way as any other strainers but they leave no metallic taste and they can be aesthetically matched with your cup or pot.


Answer by  bizgrad02 (103)

Buy loose tea leaves. Place ceramic piece inside your cup. Add tea leaves and hot water to the ceramic piece with the wholes. Let it steep. Remove and drink.


Answer by  GG59 (20)

It is a combination of tea brewer and tea strainer. A spoonful of tea is placed in the ceramic tea holder and hot water is poured in. Ready to pour.


Answer by  Sandrion (203)

They are less porous than normal tea strainers but they have bigger holes so some of the tea leave can slip through. Some people like some leaf in their tea.


Answer by  penrose (235)

the holes in ceramic tea strainers are larger than with other types of strainers so for certain types of tea, the leaves/herbs can slip through into your beverage. if you can deal with the occasional leaf in your cup, they work perfectly fine.


Answer by  John77 (32)

I've only seen them used in China. The ceramic strainers rest in the tops of ceramic teapots and mugs. The strainer is placed in the recptacle. A small amount of tea is placed in the strainer. Hot water is poured over the tea, filling the mug or teapot. The tea in the strainer can be reused.


Answer by  klypos (271)

Ceramic tea strainers are made so that part of the ceramic is porous. The infused tea can pass through, but the leaves remain behind. Very pleasant and easy to use, but difficult to clean - use a solution of baking soda.

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