

Question by  rbiales (3441)

How can you ace the GRE?

Is there a helpful course?


Answer by  bunnygirl (779)

There is no way to "ace" the GRE since the requirements may be different for each graduate program. Constant preparation for the exam is highly suggested. Make flash cards with words and definitions (including using it in a sentence) and study for an hour every day. Do problem sets for math every day. That will help you out the most.


Answer by  SammysAunt (105)

There are several options to prepare for the GRE, including classes and self-educating books. Some organizations to look into for classes and prep are Princeton Review and Kaplan Test Prep.


Answer by  ijlalnoor (2656)

You can take many tuitions for GRE. It might be expensive but they do tell you some very useful tips and tricks.


Answer by  wfrost (4)

Doing well on the GRE involves a solid knowledge of the basic math algorithms involved, and a huge amount of vocabulary words memorized. The site is free.


Answer by  mplante (24)

If you remember taking the SAT in high school, apply the same methods. Princeton Review or Kaplan classes are pricey but worth it. Consider a practice book for self-study too.


Answer by  Mimi49 (41)

There are many books online and in bookstore that will prepare you for the type of questions you will encounter on the GRE. One of the best places to go if you want the highest score possible is Kaplan.

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