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health conditions


Question by  kasen (46)

How can one prevent an allergic reaction?


Answer by  benjiross (993)

If you are allergic to specific things and you know you're going to get exposed to it, you can start antihistamines prophylactically before the exposure. Steroids too can be given in some situations under medical supervision. The best option is to avoid known allergens!


Answer by  allergictome (69)

Though an answer to this question is better suited to come from your health practitioner, there is a simple environmental solution to avoiding an allergic reaction: stay away from the allergen (the organism or substance which prompts the reaction). If this is not possible at all times, your doctor may prescribe allergy medication or immunotherapy (series of shots).


Answer by  John (9008)

The only reliable way to prevent an allergic reaction is to avoid any exposure to the allergen. An allergen is the thing to which a person is allergic. Even taking medication prior to exposure will not totally prevent the allergy.


Answer by  eyesfan (111)

The only sure way to prevent that would be to avoid whatever you are allergic to. Of course you can't do that if you don't know your allergies.

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