

Question by  bertha (26)

How can I treat a bicep tear at home?


Answer by  tclawhorn (89)

Complete treatment and recovery is difficult but certain methods can be used to treat the pain. Ice applied to the bicep will help reduce pain and swelling. If possible, you can wrap the area with a bandage and put the arm in a sling to reduce further activity. Avoid any activity involving the arm or heavy lifting.


Answer by  rayven8099 (199)

Home treatment would include the use of ice and anti-inflammatory medications to help reduce swelling and relieve pain. Depending on the severity of the injury, an arm sling may be recommended to help prevent aggravation of the injury. Avoidance of heavy lifting and overhead activities is also recommended.


Answer by  John (9008)

If it's completely torn, you can't. A complete tear requires surgery. Even a partial tear should be treated by a physician to avoid further damage.


Answer by  Marybeth (841)

You cannot treat a bicep tear on your own at home other then to do physical therapy treatments prescribed by your physician.


Answer by  doxielover (39)

The best way to treat a minor tear is by: Rest the arm, Ice the muscle, Elevation of the limb, Compression of the muscle.


Answer by  turk85 (34)

Depending on how deep your tear is you may need surgeory. Icing and keeping range of motion will be beneficial at fist.Later, stretching to keep its length and then strengthening.


Answer by  Ladymacbeth1980 (86)

You cannot and should not treat a bicep tear yourself. If left untreated it could heal improperly and you could lose mobility in your arm. See a doctor immediately.


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

You can't you need to go to the doctor they need to give you pain meds and meds that will take the swelling down so the internal tissues can heal.

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