

Question by  Kyla (19)

How can I tell whether a horse has been gelded or has undescended testicles?


Answer by  justmeni (11)

A gelded horse acts differently, but the best way to tell is to have your Veterinarian perform blood work to check testosterone levels.


Answer by  MrsShannonHarrell (768)

Often times behavior is the first indicator in a monorchid/ cryptorchid horse. Their behavior will be distinctively stallion like at times, overly aggressive, with serious attempts at mounting mares present. The best way to tell is via ultrasound, performed by your veterinarian.


Answer by  MrsShannonHarrell (768)

A physical exam by your equine vet will tell you either way with out doubt, but some behaviors may give you strong indication. If your horse is cryptorchid, he will react as a stallion to mares in heat, may be aggressive to other horses, and be hard to handle.


Answer by  Hoboanddojo (111)

Either the testicles are removed or the spermatic cord is crushed, which will leave the testicles but they will get small and wrinkly. Most stallions will be aggressive after being gelded so be very careful.


Answer by  martin (522)

Do a blood test to check testosterone levels; if he has undescended testicles, his testosterone level will be as high as if he had not been gelded.


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

The only way to be possitive the answer is right is call the vet otherwise you may have a proud cut gelding and they will still want to breed but they wont do any harm.


Answer by  MrsShannonHarrell (768)

I believe your vet would have to either physically examine your horse, do an ultra sound on his abdomen, or run a blood test looking for specific hormones.

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