


Question by  lynn (821)

How can I tell if my cat is having a baby?


Answer by  TillyPrincess (6)

The gestation period in cats is usually 9weeks (60-67days) during this time the female will become barrel shaped around her abdomen and her appetite will increase. Pinking which is when the nipples protrude and become more pink usually appear during week 5. See your vet for more information.


Answer by  Christoph (56)

Your cat will grow in size. You'll notice she'll become docile, less inclined to run off, maybe even lethargic. Her nipples will change color, usually to pink.


Answer by  whoareyou (3483)

There are few dead giveaway signs your cat is pregnant: a swollen stomach, and prominent nipples. When going into labor, she will look for a secure, safe area. The stomach will contract and harden considerably. They generally want somebody around, and will make a lot of noise. You can help by gently/firmly rubbing down the stomach.


Answer by  answersuperhero09 (54)

The cat will have larger nipples Check to see if there are bumps in the cats belly, but don't push too hard, they should be about the size of walnuts Attitude changes, may become more affectionate Will begin nesting, arrainging blakets or towels for the kittens.


Answer by  Missy3530 (20)

It is very hard to tell if a cat is pregnant. If a cat hasn't been in heat in a while or is getting heavier, she may be pregnant.


Answer by  seanna (-2)

my cat is having babys and im having a 2 dogs had babys.i have 30 cats 20 of them are having babys...i have 100 kids and im having 2 more in 2 weeks.... will it be bad for them.will it be bad for them..please help i need answers now!!!!!

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