how to


Question by  Vjj5 (23)

How can I save movie clips to PowerPoint?


Answer by  Marcos68 (26)

Just drag and drop the converted video. In order to convert a video, download freevideoconverter (search it on google). Note: you must have Office 2007 or superior.


Answer by  shoofeer1 (116)

Firstly, you should specify the slide in which you want to insert the clip. Secondly, go to insert menu and then to movies and sounds. After that, by clicking on "Movie from File", open the file you want to insert in your slides. However, PowerPoint only creates a link to the file, so you should include it in same folder.


Answer by  LordFury (35)

Power Point needs .wmv videos to play which are standard windows media format files. Before importing them make sure you convert them to .wmv. Afterwards click on the slide you need a video in and click Insert menu--> Movies and Sounds--> Movie from File.


Answer by  Shafy (65)

Open powerpointslide. From the toolbar,click on "insert" menu. Scroll down "movies and sounds". Choose "movie from file". Find the file to be inserted. Click "ok". The movie is on the slide. that's it.


Answer by  Dawne (69)

You can save movie clips by first inserting them into the PowerPoint slide where you want them. When you have the Powerpoint completed, be sure to choose: "File/Package for CD," and then follow the prompts to ensure correct placement/saving of the movie clips and/or other media files.


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

To save a movie clip on to the powerpoint and embed it into the file, you will have to upload the movie clip first. First, you download the clip and upload it onto your computer. Once it has been transacted to a movie maker file, then you can embed into powerpoint.


Answer by  carwash (148)

Yes you can. Please look online for a guide or even youtube to see exactly how. but yes you definetly can put movies onto power point.


Answer by  Danie (993)

When you open up powerpoint, select new slideshow. When you have the movie you want on your computer, you can select to add it to your ppt file. Go into one of the menus where you can insert. There will be an option for movie or video.

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