

Question by  Specificity (27)

How can I remove white space in Illustrator?


Answer by  Anonymous

live trace, object expand, right click on object, ungroup and select areas and delete as you like.


Answer by  BBBrian (282)

White space is not something you "remove" unless you're talking about adding specific elements. If you want to "remove" whitespace put in objects or shapes you have created. If you want to change the background color create a rectangle over the entire page with a color.


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

Well to remove the white space button, you can use the empty gradient tool and then scan the areas and click accordingly.


Answer by  gigo (1706)

If you want to remove the leading spaces I suggest you to export the text into a text editor like pspad or visual studio express edition.


Answer by  Eddy69 (73)

Yes, you can. You need select all white spaces manualy and then just press delete key on your computer keyboard.


Answer by  Anonymous

There is a button at the bottom of the live trace "tracing options" that says "ignore white." It will ignore all white space in a live trace and just give you the color. Hope that helps!

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