

Question by  BobM (20)

How can I remove tree sap from my car's paint?


Answer by  Srfingfreak (697)

Get a little simple green solution and put it on a rag soaked with warm water. Put the simple green covered rag on top of the sap and leave for 20 minutes. Come back later and simply wipe away the resin!


Answer by  bb (674)

check with local auto parts store. sometimes you can buy solutions to remove bug and road tar. also check paint store.


Answer by  karmachaos (26)

I take my car to a car wash, and if that doesn't get it all I have tried putting dish detergent on the sap spots, letting it sit a while, and then scrubbing it off with a warm, wet rag. Goo-Gone works too.


Answer by  Melissa101010 (4405)

First of all you can wash it with dish liquid, then rinse it with water. If that does not work take it to the car wash.

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