

Question by  Cocoa (32)

How can I remove glue from skin?


Answer by  drJ (841)

Normal white glue can be removed with soap and water. For super glue, you will need to use nail polish remover to dissolve the glue.


Answer by  em (201)

The first thing you should have tried would be soap and water. If this doesn't work soak your hands for 5 minutes and try again. If this still will not remove the glue, use nail polish remover, i know it stinks but it works!


Answer by  Trueakitalover (1728)

Apply water and soap and rub your hands together. Then you would scrub the hands together until it is removed. Then what you do is rinse your hands off.


Answer by  baby75 (126)

To remove glue from the skin apply acetone based nail polish remover on the affected part. Wash the area using soap and warm water till the glue is removed completely.

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