- Short Answers


Question by  Salinda (48)

How can I purchase a home by paying delinquent taxes?

I've heard that this is even less expensive than foreclosure homes, and would like to look into it.


Answer by  Chaneygirl (1755)

Contact the county where you live or are looking to buy property and inquire about their tax sale. Some counties include this information on their website.


Answer by  John (9008)

Once these homes are seized by the government, they are sold at auction. Usually, the auctions are done by the local sheriff; you can check with them.


Answer by  davidsmith4deltaedu (338)

Confront the local county on properties that have defaulted on delinquent taxes. My local county post a list monthly. From this list, you can put a bid on the property, (usually the amount of taxes plus extra), and purchase the lot.


Answer by  Robin55 (84)

Most of these prprerties are fixer uppers. Generally they are listed in the local paper and there is an auction date listed. Most times oustanding fee's are cheaper than buying a forclosed home

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