human body


Question by  Cthulhu (9)

How can I make nails grow faster?


Answer by  whoareyou (3483)

Rub cuticle/vitamin e oil on the nail bed daily, and try taking a supplement, such as AKN SkinCare by Natures Way, containing Dandelion, Burdock, Licorice, Cayenne Pepper, Sarsaparilla, Kelp, Echinacea, Yellow Dock, and Plantain, all of which are great for nails and hair growth as well as skin health. Keep nails trimmed and filed to avoid snags and tears.


Answer by  YumYum6 (6)

Nails grow best when you eat a healthy diet with plenty of calcium and Vitamin D and keep up on the manicures - trim cuticles and keep your mouth away from your nails!


Answer by  AVK (23)

1) Proper and regular pedicures and manicures will help and filing the nails only in one direction will make sure the tip of the nails are not weak 2) Higher the blood flow in the fingers faster the growth of the nails,involve yourself in various activities.


Answer by  RachelW (932)

Nails are made of protein, so a diet higher in protein will encourage nail growth. Some products on the market can strengthen nails, but none will make them grow faster. For the most part, speed of growth is fixed and can't be changed.

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