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Question by  Convey (20)

How can I go about feeding a baby bunny orphan?


Answer by  Anonymous

baby bunnies will get diarhia and die if they do not get the antibodies from cecotrophes the mother poops once a day. place baby bunnies back in nest, sprinkle flour around the nest in a circle, return in the morning to see if mama returns. if not, contact rescue group


Answer by  sacredlrose (169)

These baby rabbits can be difficult to care for. It might be best to give it to a wildlife rescue organization.


Answer by  Cookinginbc (383)

You will want to make sure first that the mum has really stopped caring for them. She will only feed them once in the night. Check their tummies to see if they are warm. If so the mum is doing her job. If not you can use kitten formula.


Answer by  LaurenHebbe (300)

When you find a baby rabbit outside or from a litter you must urgently get food into the. Canned milk replacer for dogs will work, and if that doesnt work take the bunny to the vet.

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