human body


Question by  cubedbee (155)

How can I get sodium out of my body?


Answer by  cathstuff (238)

Drinking plenty of water daily is the best and safest way to flush out excess sodium. The sodium will be excreted in your urine and sweat. It is also important to limit the amount of sodium consumed in the first place.


Answer by  Skullwing (746)

Salt (Sodium chloride) is absolutely essential to bodily function so should not be removed from the body entirely. If you're looking to reduce sodium intake, check food labels and do not add salt to meals. Drink plenty of water to help flush out the excess sodium chloride already there.


Answer by  jsmith (2067)

If you are not going through kidney failure, your body tends to regulate its sodium level on its own. Maintaining your salt and water balance is one of the major functions of the kidneys. They will clear any excess dietary sodium within a couple hours of ingestion.


Answer by  czc2844 (158)

By far the best way to rid yourself of excess sodium is to drink water and pass it through your urine.


Answer by  njeri (142)

You should not get rid of it totally since it is used in nerve impulses transmission and is important in maintaining osmotic pressure of the body but you can reduce the food intake of sodium. Reduce processed foods since salt is added for preservation,reduce the amount of salt in cooking, drink a lot of water, avoid uncooked salt.


Answer by  Mary15 (347)

You do not even have to worry abut getting rid of sodium from the body because the body it self can maintain homeostasis as it will make u feel dehydrated which will compel you to drink water. Water should do the trick otherwise but too much water is a problem.


Answer by  01628773 (140)

The first and most important step to take is to remain hydrated. Flush your body with ten or more glasses of water per day. Do not use sport's drinks.

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