

Question by  LovinAl (34)

How can I get rid of sand hornets around my home?


Answer by  BrendaG (6111)

Traps are easy to make. One cup each of sugar water and apple cider vinegar, pieces of raw meat, and several drops of Dawn in two liter bottle traps them!


Answer by  crystalj (196)

Sand hornets can be quite a pesky nuisance. If you have found sand hornets around your home your best is to try using some form of insecticide, such as raid or an insecticide powder which you can place in a bulb and blow into their nesting holes.


Answer by  luvlexis83 (798)

Squeeze a bulb of any type of insecticide listed that kills them inside the burrow or nesting of the hornets and go inside fast. Wait two to four days. Repeat this process if you see the burrows again and only if the area is dry it won't work if it is wet.


Answer by  ladybud (1069)

Get raid for flying insect's.Get a wd40-oil top with the straw extension.Put it on the can of raid.Turn can upside down spray inside the bee hole's and cover them up.


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

Getting rid of those things is like trying to get rid of ants in the kitchen Ortho makes a good product for it I believe walmart carries it.


Answer by  Zaka (2315)

Reduce the shrubbery and any loose material around your home that retain any moisture. That is where and how sand hornets breed.


Answer by  craftheart (392)

One of the best ways to get rid of sand hornets is to use a dusting around your home. Sevin dust works well for this.


Answer by  xjamesdavisx (63)

My best advice get can of raid spray. Go out at night spray it. Wear some very protective clothing go to bottom of the nest and spray it just dont upset the hornets.


Answer by  BrendaG (6111)

Hornets can be harder to kill than wasps. Make sure you have an insecticide spray for hornets. Wait until evening when they are in their nests. Spray directly into entrance.


Answer by  mansi (521)

Sand hornets, or cicada killers, are hornet wasps that can be killed by using a safe dust or a time-release granule.


Answer by  Anonymous

use sticky spray caulking in aresol cans they have a straw & expand a lot spray some in each hole but be careful


Answer by  Anonymous

One way is to put carbide in hole's and pour a little watter in & run


Answer by  Anonymous

put sevin dust or borac acid in holes


Answer by  Anonymous

Pour hot grease in hole


Answer by  Anonymous

lay a brick on holes


Answer by  Anonymous

Well, my morning regime is to let out my doggrab my bad mitton racket and kill some hornets. Its gives me a workout and gets rid of the hornets as does amonia water down thier holes. They seem to enjoy my game of hit and miss I hit more thaniss.ivetry.aveoteentung!


Answer by  Anonymous

They are a hardworking nuisance and they gotta go! I'm going to try the dust.


Answer by  Anonymous

KIll them!

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