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Question by  worker8686 (15)

How can I get rid of cockroaches?


Answer by  siri2011 (7)

Make sure your surroundings are clean; there are no cracks or spaces between walls, floors, ceilings, and cabinets where they can hide or lay their eggs; and spraying of insecticide in areas where they are likely to hide. You cannot get rid of cockroaches all at once. Consistently doing the above suggestions will ultimately lead to a cockroach-free home.


Answer by  zeroAm (23)

The best method for getting rid of roaches is to use a bomb type insecticide that fogs up each room of the building.


Answer by  Dave77 (14)

Go to the store and buy some cockroach killer. Come home and spray the infested areas. Wait 24 hours and check the areas for cockroaches.


Answer by  Zaka (2315)

Get rid of any source of water. More than trash or food it is the prescence of water or moisture that will attract cockroaches.

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