

Question by  Syl (64)

How can I get revenge on someone?


Answer by  DulceDeLeche (219)

The best revenge is to lead a great life. Having a great time and achieving your goals is the best way to "stick it" to your foe.


Answer by  gummie (738)

Wow, so many ways to get revenge! Sugar in the gas tank, order magazines in his/her name, or start rumors. But, revenge is mine, sayeth the Lord.


Answer by  Dontbugme (697)

My mother once said that the best way to get revenge on a person is to be nice to them. It confuses them and that may be the best revenge.


Answer by  Mable (3008)

The coolest thing is to figure out what you can't stand and give a gift to change it: I give Maple Syrup to people who need to be sweeter.


Answer by  tamarawilhite (17883)

One option is to be public with how they hurt you and thus ruin their reputation. Another option is to avoid them and get others to do the same.


Answer by  Genuine (26)

First: If there your friend go to school and steal her books. If there ur family: Put hair protection in her lotion to make her have pimples( best way). Good lucky luck!

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