

Question by  mamapuppy (241)

How can I get $10,000 this month?


Answer by  Srfingfreak (697)

Taking out a loan is the most sure-fire way. Selling drugs is decently lucrative, as is theft. However, both activities are risky. If you could manage to work for 24 hours a day, you would only need to make about 14 dollars an hour. If you can get higher than that you could work a little sleep in.


Answer by  Rashy (44)

There's only one word to answer that question and that is work. Find a job that pays that or more. Check the internet, do odd jobs, get skills.


Answer by  sellappan (32)

There are many options to earn 10,000/- dollars. It mostly concerns on one's efficiency and how much time one wants to spend in a day time. If one has vast knowledge in any particular branch, then one can share his knowledge with 100 members and can earn $100 dollars from each member and totally get $10,000 dollars.


Answer by  jj46 (14)

The best waty to get $10,000 this month is to get a high paying job. Alternatively, you could win the lottery.

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