

Question by  twmdog (21)

How can I choose the right cabinet screws?


Answer by  Teaberry (846)

Choose screws depending on depth, material of the cabinet and wall. Also, take a measuement and ask a professional from a home improvement store.


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

It depends on what kind of cabinets you have. The thicker the wood, the thicker and longer the screws you need to have. Basically if you are using oak cabinets, then you may need to get thicker screws for your cabinets as this type of wood needs a lot of penetration.


Answer by  tml (538)

Make sure that the screws you choose are designed for wood. There are many screws on the market, but they all have different purposes. You want wood, galvanized screws. This makes sure the screws dig into the wood properly and don't rust, causing your cabinets to have unsightly rust marks.


Answer by  kennethjgoodson (4903)

There are really no wrong or right cabinet screws. As long as you have a screw that is long and it will hold the weight it will be good. Make sure you get the right color screw though or it will not match the cabinets.


Answer by  PhotoPete (45)

Choosing the correct cabinet screws is not difficult, but it is important. You need to make sure the screws are long enough to go trough the structural members of the cabinet box and anchor securely into the wall. Remember, the screws need to hold not only the weight of the cabinet, but also everything that you put into it.


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

Depending on what type of wood you are using for your cabinet, you should pick a screw that is sturdy and will be able to stabilize into the wood. If you go to a home hardware store, they will show you to the right tools.


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

Go to your local hardware store and let them know what cabinets you have and they will be able to give you the screws that are proper for you.


Answer by  itsame (275)

The best way to choose the right size screw for a project is to go to your local DIY store and describe your project to one of their workers. They should have the best insight for your project.


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

Speak with the pros you don't want them to long or to big so they crack the wood they would know.


Answer by  Mollichella (445)

There is a general screw that is used for most cabinets and it is actually called a cabinet screw. Rule of thumb, the longer the better!


Answer by  geetloaf (61)

Sometimes a simple drywall screw will work. For a more decorative look, find a screw with a large polished pan shaped head


Answer by  worker12 (293)

You can get the screws at any ace hardware. Choose the black cabinet screws for attaching cabinet to cabinet. choose the brass colored screws for the brass hinges,black for black hinges. All knobs and handles require machine bolts with either a slot head or Phillips head ,your choice ,all and all size & length is important.

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