how to


Question by  alokn99 (34)

How can I become the cheerleading captain?


Answer by  timerunning (805)

First you have to make sure that you are a member of the cheerleading squad. Then, become very good friends with the caption that already exists. Make sure that you are in her good graces. Then prove yourself by doing really hard movies. Then, put out your name when it comes time to choose a new captain.


Answer by  Marsha (2337)

Make sure you are friends with every one on the squad. If not, start now becoming their friends. Then always be nice to everyone and compliment everyone. But don't do it in a fake way. Make sure you attend every [ractice and are seen as a responsible person. Give suggestions for upcoming fund-raisers or other events.


Answer by  toastedcheese (216)

Perhaps you could make arrangements for the current cheerleading captain to go on a year-long vacation. Depending on your skill, you should send the entire squad, as well as anyone else who might join up and threaten your ascendancy. Alternatively, you could start referring to yourself as the cheerleading captain and hope that everyone goes along with it.


Answer by  wehadthought (391)

Show your dedication to the cheerleading team. Don't miss practise if you can possibly help it, and spend time getting to know everyone involved well. Show your leadership, don't shy away from making suggestions, and set an example with your personal health, fitness, flexibility and training. You'll be seen as a natural leader.

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