

Question by  ndifel20 (26)

How big was the Aztec empire?

Was it the biggest?


Answer by  Paracelcus (48)

The Aztec Empire spanned from Mexico to Guatemala, it wasn't the largest. The British empire, at its height, was the largest empire in history.


Answer by  Riddlerr (34)

The Aztec tribes spread out across Mexico with a span of about 193,051 sq miles. They had various city-states that were first brought to the attention of the Western hemisphere by the Spanish explorer Hernan Cortes. The Aztec empire housed hundreds of thousands of people. It was one of the biggest empires in the region.


Answer by  Juan77 (42)

It was not a large empire, it was mainly in Mexico as far it was a extension of the main city Tenochtitlan (a state city).

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