Does the Sears card come from Mastercard?
How can I put a new switch on a Sears mower?
Is Kenmore a subsidiary of Sears?
What is a Sears Oasis F1 code?
What is the value on Sears houses?
Where in Pennsylvania does Sears have outlet stores where they sell "scratch and dent" floor models and appliances that are slightly damaged?
Who is the manufacturer of a Sears brand furnace?
Question by catonem (38)
I have had a lot of problems with mine.
Answer by drm255 (11)
Yes, I am unable to make any online purchases with my Sears Gold Mastercard. I have tried three different websites and all rejected my card.
Answer by steve1980 (45)
No, I have never had any problems with my sears gold mastercard. Granted, I don't use it very often, but when I do its been fine.
Answer by McCheese (1248)
I haven't had any problems with the card, but it's not a very good deal. I'm getting rid of mine and getting a Visa, the interest is much less.
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