

Question by  Sherri (9)

For forgiving parents, what is some Christian advice?


Answer by  mammakat (11147)

I am not sure if you mean that you are parents willing to forgive or you are wishing to forgive your parents- either way let your spiritual leader be your guide and follow the teachings of Jesus in Matthew 6:14,15 and Matthew 18:21-35. The ten commandments ask you to honor your father and mother, and Jesus welcomed children to him.


Answer by  Mar (428)

Parents should be an example for their children to follow but forgving enough to accept that their children may not be exactly the same in their way of thinking or acting as the parents. If children express differences or have different opinions parents should allow differences to flourish not punished.


Answer by  pat26 (22)

Fulfill parental duties with grace. love and compassion, always letting actions and words carry values we want to instill and forgiving our children and ourselves for imperfections.

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