home decorating


Question by  anilyps (12)

For a home staging, should I paint the cabinets white?


Answer by  Buldog60 (98)

Obviously it depends much on the kitchen and your individual market but a good rule of thumb is to keep them the natural wood. Natural wood cabinents are less likely to turn away potential buyers, while white is very hit or miss with potential buyers. The exception would be in a bathroom, I assume you are talking about a kitchen.


Answer by  blahblah (670)

The purpose of home staging is to make your house attractive to potential buyers. Freshening the paint is usually a good idea. But if your cabinets are nice wood grain, don't paint them. Wood is more popular now than white.


Answer by  KLC (198)

If the cabinets are old and already painted, then yes. Freshen them up. If they're oak or some nice wood, NO! Just clean them and put on new shiny cabinet pulls.

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