


Question by  Kenny3243 (49)

Does your birth order effect your personality?


Answer by  Roland27 (16334)

It's been known to. Most say that the youngest or only child acts spoiled and will carry these traits well into adult hood.


Answer by  worker5534 (518)

Yes! My birth order deffanately effect my personality. Geregar Johan Mental The Father of Genetics said that personality comes from 50% from father and 50% from mother via genes from chromosomes. Mental said that segregation assortment cheracters are causes by order of birth and make the ones personality depending upon the genes.


Answer by  Tracy15 (821)

Yes sometimes I think it does as being the first born I was all ways the big sister and my younger sister all ways looked up to me for advice so I tried my best to do things right and be responsible to make a good example for my sister.


Answer by  RAJINIVARMA (140)

Yes,certainly. If the couple having sex,when the time when she got pregnant,her feeling is it good or bad that certainly effect the personality of the baby.

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