

Question by  flooringal (219)

Does the anopheles mosquito exist in the U.S?

I am worried about malaria.


Answer by  shkelly (7)

Anopheles mosquitos are found worldwide (including the United States) except in Antarctica. There are many varieties of anopheles mosquito but only about about 10 percent of the varieties transmit malaria. Only the females of certain mosquito genus transmit malaria.


Answer by  Kimono (14)

Malaria is spread by the female anopheles mosquito by way of a bite when she feeds. The anopheles mosquito is found world wide, it is the malaria that has been wiped out not the carrier. Although there are around 1,200 cases a year in the United States, they are mainly around California, because of the close proximity to Mexico.


Answer by  lcantoni (34)

While the anopheles mosquito does exist in the United States, factors such as temperate climate (with cold winters), as well as the common use of screened windows and air conditioning, make it much less likely for such mosquitoes to transmit malaria, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


Answer by  Bobinski (1652)

Yes these mosquitos are in eastern and southeastern United States.I would not worry about malaria as the United States has remedies for this disease. If you are really concerned you might be able to take malaria pills. If the US was worried about it everyone would be taking malaria pills.

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