- Short Answers


Question by  caylascreations78 (489)

Does IBS lead to increased WBC?


Answer by  mavery (62)

Irritable bowel syndrome symptoms are also common to may other diseases, including diarrhea, gastritis, and constipation. To rule out other conditions, your doctor may draw blood and look at your blood cell counts. If you have elevated white blood cells, this indicates you may have a non-IBS disease like Crohn's disease.


Answer by  Rachel84 (21)

yes, because a high white blood cell count indicates inflammation, and IBS can cause inflammation, depending on which type you have.


Answer by  worker2746 (2434)

IBS doesn't necessarily lead to increased WBC, it can lead to it in certain circumstances. Usually an infection is what causes this.


Answer by  apocalv (217)

it can cause it but not in all situations, consult your doctor for other possibilities of an elevated WBC count

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