health conditions


Question by  idavid (385)

Does an AST test show liver problems?


Answer by  jheremans (1446)

Yes the AST test can show liver problems but it is not the deciding factor. If results are elevated it may indicate a problem with your heart muscles and your biliary system too. Since all our organs are connected to each other doctors assign AST or previously called SGOT to people with liver problems.


Answer by  earlnb (100)

AST is an enzyme present in liver cells. If the cells are damages, AST is excreted into the blood. An elevation of AST is found in people with acute liver damage. It is also found in blood cells, cardiac cells and muscle cells.


Answer by  jsmith (2067)

Yes, an AST test in combination with other tests can indicate a diseased liver. AST is a protein contained in liver cells, amongst other places in your body, and if the liver cells are breaking down it gets released into your blood and can be detected and measured.


Answer by  dryuha (735)

Elevated AST will indicate any liver damage. It could be due to many possible causes including alcohol intake, any herbal remedy, liver infection for example hepatitis or liver tumour for example hepatoma. The other liver enzymes level will need to be monitored including ALT and ALP. In hepatoma, alpha-fetoprotein level will normally elevated as well.

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